Stay informed

There have been a lot happening over the last few months at SFUU, and the Board of Trustees is working hard to keep you informed.  There are many ways for you to keep up with the news of the church – we ask the congregation to help us keep you informed by reading the eBeacon, checking this web page for meeting minutes, and watching for other communications.  As we enter into search for a new minister, there will be much to keep you informed of.

We are working hard to make SFUU become the community that folks in the Listening Circles have requested.  Let’s make it happen together!

Go to the ministerial transition page to read about the process.

Ministerial Transition Presentation - January 7, 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the ministerial transition presentation. You can view the slides for the presentation here. Or, watch the whole presentation here:

SFUU’s Jan 7, 2024 Forum on Ministerial Transion

listening circles - summary report from the ministerial transition team

We would like to thank everyone who participated in the listening circles in November. The report on the findings from the listening circles is here. Please note, this was not a formal survey, but rather a gathering of people’s thoughts and opinions.

We look forward to seeing everyone on January 7th for an all-congregational meeting after the service. We will discuss this report, review the process and approximate schedule for the ministerial search, introduce the search committee, and review an upcoming survey to be sent to members and friends.

Sincerely, the Ministerial Transition Task Force (Maureen Bauman, Suzanne Borth, Amy Evans, Joan Lacktis, Richard Martin, Mary Piette, Marsha von Dessonneck and Amelia Zuver)