Social Justice

Woven throughout our  UU 7 Principles is the theme of Social Justice;  “the Inherent worth and dignity of every person,” “Justice, equity and compassion in human relations,” “the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all,” and “respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”   And, as UU’s we are called to Action!   Are you called by social justice issues? Our Social Justice Team organizes a variety of actions throughout the year and invites you to join us in living our principles!

Opportunities to serve include:

  • Join the Social Justice Committee - we usually meet once a month (sometimes every other month to plan activities), and are a friendly group! We have current needs for a Secretary to keep our minutes and a Treasurer to keep track of our small but mighty budget.

  • Do you have a social justice project that you want to bring to the congregation? Bring it to the committee and we will help you make it happen.

  • Do you support the Fair Trade movement? How about volunteering to keep an eye on the Equal Exchange goods in the Social Hall - keep track of the display and take stock of the goods to make sure we don’t run out! You can even do the ordering - we can get you set up! If you don’t have a lot of time to commit to SFUU but want to do something to serve our community, then this is the perfect job for you.

  • Are you interested in interfaith partnerships?? SFUU is a member of Placer People of Faith Together (PPoFT) and we would love to send a representative to their monthly board meetings. They meet every third Wednesday of the month at 4 pm via zoom. This would be an opportunity for you to discover the social justice programs that PPoFT is advocating and reporting back to SFUU’s Social Justice Committee.

  • Step up and participate when Social Justice Opportunities are offered.

Visit the Social Justice web page to learn more about what we do, and contact Carol Koons or Barb Munn if you want to join the team. Nourish your spirit with Social Justice!