Mission Earth
We are your Mission Earth team: Barb Munn, Tom Piette, Carol Koons, and Janet Russell (Dec 5, 2021).
Mission Earth was created as an outgrowth of the Green Sanctuary program in order to promote our SFUU mission to care for the Earth and to live into the seventh UU principle. Since its inception we have worked on both the plastic crisis and the climate crisis. We encourage the congregation to adopt deliberate earth-care practices and are a member of Placer Earth Care Action (PECA) an interfaith partnership of Placer County faith communities concerned about the climate crisis.
If you are interested in joining Mission Earth, please contact any one of us (Barb Munn, Tom Piette, Carol Koons, or Janet Russell). All are welcome! Click on the links below learn more about what we do!
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The World is Too Much for Us