The Stewardship committee meets once a month on zoom and is responsible for all church fundraising through the year including our annual Pledge Campaign (in which members discern the value of SFUU to their lives and determine what they will pledge for the coming year to support the church, staff and all of its programs). New members to this committee are always welcome as a new Pledge Campaign and theme are developed each year. If you are interested in this committee contact Maureen Bauman, chairperson.
The committee meets jointly for much of the year but does have separate meetings when the planning for our two fundraisers occurs (usually one in the Fall and another in the Spring). The Fundraising subcommittee is then scheduled at a separate time so that work on the fundraisers can be the focus of the meeting. Fundraising includes many activities that are done by volunteers who do not always meet with the committee, click here to learn more about these volunteer activities.
Finance Committee
The Finance committee is led by a member of the board – the Financial Officer – and our Treasurer. The finance committee provides financial oversight for the congregation and offers any insight and help as needed. This committee is not currently seeking members, but congregation members who are interested should reach out to the Financial Officer – Amy Evans. We believe congregation awareness is important. The committee meets monthly on Zoom.