Presentations Related to Our Mission
Quick links For this page:
What You Do With Your Money Matters - Barb Munn
Practicing Hope in a Time of Climate Change - Barb Munn
Climate Change Impacts in Sacramento & Placer Counties - Dana Nuccitelli
Third Act, Best Act: Our Time is Now - Bill McKibben
Optimism About the Environment - Tom Piette
PECA Presents
Placer Earth Care Action (PECA), of which SFUU is a member, is a gathering of spiritual communities raising awareness, taking action, and mitigating our climate crisis through interfaith spiritual practices and involvement in community organizations. PECA produces a climate-related presentation the 1st Sunday of every month (at 1:30 pm), and a variety of other events throughout the year.
What You Do With Your Money Matters!
Have you invested money as you save for retirement? Do you have money squirreled away in the bank? Do you use credit cards? If you said yes to any of these questions, then you may be allowing investment firms and banks to use your money to fund activities that you might not personally support. You missed the forum, but you can still watch the recording to find out what Barb learned as she investigated investments, banks, and credit cards in her drive to align her money with her values.
Click here for the companion website! (has all the tools you need)
Practicing Hope in a Time of Climate Change
Watch this video for Barb Munn’s take on why individual actions matter, and how we can practice hope during a time of climate change. This reflection is extracted from the April 17, 2022 Sunday Service for Earth Day at SFUU. To view the whole service, click here.
Climate Change Impacts in Sacramento & Placer Counties
Dana Nuccitelli’s April 6, 2022 presentation about climate change impacts in California with a focus on Sacramento and Placer Counties, plus climate change policy solutions and the IPCC AR6 report. This presentation was sponsored by the Sacramento-Roseville Citizens Climate Lobby
Third Act, Best Act: Our Time is Now
Third Act Sacramento hosted a virtual presentation by Bill McKibben (who founded Third Act) followed by Q&A with and updates about local organizing events and opportunities on May 16th, 2022. Third Act is for people over 60 determined to change the world for the better. They campaign on issues of climate change, racial equity, and the protection of democracy.
Optimism About the Environment
On April 25, 2021, Tom Piette from the Mission Earth crew reviewed some exciting nascent innovations to brighten our horizons. Watching this forum will help you to accept that there is more than doom and gloom when it comes to our impact on the environment. Several new technological advancements will provide us with choices to greatly lessen human caused environmental degradation.
Breaking Free from Plastics Dependence
This November 19, 2020 webinar was sponsored by and brought together activists, scientists, and corporate innovators from around the globe to address the problem of plastics in our environment. Discussion centered around 3 main categories:
stopping plastic pollution
making a difference as an activist
raising awareness
Click here for Barb’s summary of the big takeaways and here for a short bio of each panelist.
The full recording of’s Breaking Free from Plastics Dependence webinar.